What are the main things that Es6/7 adds in JavaScript?

Have you started learning JavaScript these days? And also want to become master in it? Then you should learn every concept of JavaScript because in the industry the demand of JavaScript is increasing day by day. By learning JavaScript there are many career options are available for you such a web developer, JavaScript developer, Front-end developer and many more.

With web development courses in Delhi at ADMEC, you can learn every important programming language of back-end development.

JavaScript is the client side language. Client side simply means that user can also interact with the web application. It Is also used to make dynamic modern web pages. It is lightweight, dynamic and most used programming language. Not only web pages with the help of JavaScript can we create mobile applications, Games, Animation etc.

Once the UI designing in HTML is completed, the next step is to use JS. We add JavaScript to make it live and for adding interactivity in it. For HTML, you can go for training at HTML5 and CSS3 training Institute in Delhi. JavaScript is not only for animations and games, It is also used to do math’s calculations, fetch content from another website and many more.

ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)

To make JavaScript more advance there are some new features which is known as ECMAScript (ES6). It is like an evolution of JavaScript. After the ECMAScript 2015 which is also known as ES6.

ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) has introduced many advance and new features such as:

  • Classes in
  • Arrow Functions
  • Default Parameters
  • Block-Scoped Constructs Let and Const
  • Template Literals
  • Destructuring Assignment
  • Multi-line Strings
  • Enhanced Object Literals
  • Promises in
  • Modules in

These are some main concepts of ES6. It makes many things easier for the developers and it helps in building modern web pages designs. JS is not alone in the list of front-end languages. You must learn them all in web design courses in Delhi.

ECMAScript 2016 (ES7)

After the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) JavaScript released some more new features with ECMAScript 2016 (ES7). In these evolution only two concepts was introduced.

  • Array.prototype.includes()
  • Exponentiation operator

Let’s understand these features one by one.


If we want to check the index of any value in array we used to use Array.prototype.indexOf(). But now we can use this new method to the check the index of any value. In this function if you passed any value as an argument then it will returns true otherwise it will return false.

Exponentiation operator

There are many arithmetic operators in JavaScript such as +, -, * . ECMAScript 2016 (ES7) introduced one more operator that is Exponentiation operator (**). It works same a MAth.pow() .

These are two concepts which is introduced under ECMAScript(ES7). This will help in making things easier than before.

If you want to know more about ECMAScript ES6, ES7, ES8 and ES9 then you must go for JavaScript training programs given below:

Thanks for reading!

Best web design course in Delhi

Start your career with the best web design course in Delhi offered by good trainers at web designing training institute like ADMEC Multimedia Institute. This institute provides all web design courses in Delhi with 100% job placement support. These courses will cover designing software applications as well as some languages such as Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, HTML and CSS, Adobe Illustrator, etc.

Mostly candidates want to make a brilliant career as a web designer that’ why they are learning web design course in Delhi, so that they can gain good knowledge. To become a designer you should have knowledge of some languages i.c HTML and CSS, These languages are often used by web designer, so that they can create own website with the help of HTML and CSS languages. So, if you want to try to create your own website, then you should pursue HTML and CSS courses from HTML5 & CSS3 training institute in Delhi.

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